Your VOTE is your VOICE

Every four years, history repeats itself. The news becomes inundated with candidates expressing and announcing their interest in becoming POTUS, President of the United States. Candidates share their platform and try to appeal to the voters by talking about issues that are of interest to those who will vote. Sometimes they share plans and sometimes […]

Get Involved

“Parents, first and foremost, it is important to… understand and recognise the activities your child is naturally gravitating towards. It’s important also to ensure that your child likes what he or she is doing. I believe in exposing children to as many hobbies and extracurricular activities as possible.“ Viswanathan Anand The Book: On the Surface […]

Unexpected Friendships

Reflections When I reflect on the friendships I have made and how I’ve made them, the quote, “Ironically, the people you meet by accident are often the ones who become an important part of your life.” comes to mind. I am guessing that probably has also rung true in your life, just as it did […]

Today’s a Good Day

Farewell, My Friend! It with great sorrow, but yet an honor that I write this post today as a tribute to my daughter’s boss’ wife and the mother of her supervisor. and who was also was an acquaintance of whom I was fond. Her name is Meredith and she passed away this week after a […]

Engaging Learners & Connecting Community: Literarily My Instructional Vision

The Book and My Rationale for Choosing It Engaging learners & connecting community has always been my vision. Through the Cracks by Carolyn Sollman, illustrated by Barbara Emmons and designed by Judith Paolini illustrates my vision. Surprisingly, the book, unlike most books about improvement, is presented as a children’s story. This book inspired my decision […]

To Be or To Bop!

How Are We Connected? Stop. Think about the sounds and songs you have created or still create, to entertain and engage infants and children (or even yourself) In fact some of us adults use the bebop sounds and to entertain ourselves when we want to remember something or when we can’t remember lyrics. Even if […]