Your VOTE is your VOICE

Every four years, history repeats itself. The news becomes inundated with candidates expressing and announcing their interest in becoming POTUS, President of the United States. Candidates share their platform and try to appeal to the voters by talking about issues that are of interest to those who will vote. Sometimes they share plans and sometimes […]

Poetic Jazz

My Connections to the Theme & Book To introduce the theme of this blog, I decided to use the book Jazz by one of my daughter’s favorite authors, Walter Dean Myers. She first became acquainted with Walter Dean Myers while watching a teacher, Mrs. Ann Jimenez, teach his novel Monster to a group of students […]

Engaging Learners & Connecting Community: Literarily My Instructional Vision

The Book and My Rationale for Choosing It Engaging learners & connecting community has always been my vision. Through the Cracks by Carolyn Sollman, illustrated by Barbara Emmons and designed by Judith Paolini illustrates my vision. Surprisingly, the book, unlike most books about improvement, is presented as a children’s story. This book inspired my decision […]